In order to register as an Advanced seller please login to the selling
page of your Bob Shop account (My Bob Shop) and click on the "Upgrade your selling
account" link.

Advanced Sellers can sell on Auction, Buy Now and through Classifieds.
You can choose which payment methods to accept from Buyers and can
use all Paid Listing Enhancement options. You can also make personal
offers to Buyers.

When you apply to become an Advanced Seller, you need to disclose your
bank account or your credit card details, as well as your identity number. Bob Shop will attempt to
debit R10 from your account. That amount is credited back to your
bobshop account and can be used to pay future Bob Shop fees. This R10
take-and-return exercise serves to verify that you have supplied valid account details.

Please note you may have to wait several days for your status to be
approved; during this period you will not have access to the full
selection of Enhanced listing options.

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