My Grandfather's Clock Stood Too Tall for His Shelf

Antique clocks carry a rich history as far as horology is concerned. They are not just old but timeless. Grandfather clocks, also called longcase clocks, tall-case clocks, or floor clocks, are conducive for creating a family heirloom.  If properly preserved, they can be tradionally passed down from one generation to the other.

Taking good care of your clock will ensure that it lasts longer and that you have something to pass down as a family heirloom or sell it for a decent price. Grandfather clocks are also given as a traditional gift to mark an event such as a wedding, achievement or milestone anniversary.

Caring for your grandfather clock requires extra care. Here are our top 5 tips:

1.    If you need to move the clock, first carefully remove the pendulum and weights as they can get damaged if not removed.
2.    Keep your clock clean by dusting it. Refrain from using a cloth to clean the dial as it can easily bend or break.
3.    To set the time, use your fingertips to move the clock¿s minute hand; however, do not move it backwards past an hour.
4.    Place the clock where it cannot easily be bumped or scratched (keep children at bay).
5.    Your clock should be serviced every ten years. Do not leave it until it stops ticking.

If you follow these maintenance rules, you need not worry about your grandfather clock repairs. In the event that you need your clock repaired, we advise that you call an expert to do so rather than fixing it yourself.

grandfather clock

The value of grandfather clocks is not standard. Here are the top 5 determinants of a Grandfather clock value:

1.    The maker or manufacturer
2.    Aesthetics (the physical appearance of the clock)
3.    Mechanical complexity (e.g. type of materials used, height, pendulum, dial, etc.)
4.    The year it was manufactured (the older the make, the pricier)
5.    The condition the clock is currently in.

Keep in mind that the rarer the clock is, the more expensive it will be, providing it is in a good condition. As a seller,  you get to charge a decent price for your rare find. Typically, the local value of a grandfather clock starts at approximately R10,000.

Here is a fun fact about Grandfather clocks: they got their name from Henry Clay Work who wrote a song about tall case clocks. When purchasing a Grandfather clock you are not just buying a piece that will compliment your gorgeous living space, but investing in the value of this rare collectible.

Start collecting yours today and leave something the coming generations will remember you by. 

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