A Brief Overview Holistic and Esoteric Terms
The holistic and esoteric fields encompass a variety of human activities, from alternative medicine to fortune-telling.
Understanding Wicca
Contrary to popular belief, people who practise Wicca are not old witches with warts and neither are they satanic worshippers, a widely common misconception made.
The Esoteric Properties of Crystals
People have admired the symmetrical beauty of crystals for centuries and often attributed to the magical and mystical powers.
Popular Types of Incense
Today, there are thousands of incenses available at a reasonable price. We review here some of the most popular, from amber to ylang-ylang.
The Evil Eye
The evil eye also comes in the form of the hamsa and is worn as evil eye jewellery.
Aspects of Dreaming
Did you know that an average person dreams for about two hours each night?
The Power of Candles
For centuries, the humble candle has found varied, enduring uses, from the practical to the esoteric. The arrival of the electric bulb in the nineteenth century spelt a decline in its use. Recent times have witnessed a resurgence of interest in this ancient source of light.
The Benefits of Meditation
In an experimental study published in Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital found that when healthy adults participated in mindfulness meditation, notable positive changes took place in the brains grey matter, including improvements in memory and cognitive processes, perspective taking, emotional control and attention spans.
What is Reiki?
Can the mere touch of anothers hands cure an ailment? Astonishingly, thats just what Reiki, an ancient Japanese method of healing, claims to do.
All You Need To Know About Psychic Readings
Pseudo-science, pure nonsense or reality? Moderns may dismiss psychic readings as wishful thinking for the weak-minded. However, psychic readings and phenomena associated with them are as old as mankind.
Feng Shui your Life
Feng Shui is based on an ancient Chinese philosophy of balancing energy and aesthetics both of which, when channelled properly, are believed to bring you a positive life force, known as chi.
Guide to Essential Oils
The Egyptians were the first known civilisation to have developed the use of essential oils for cosmetology, and physical and mental ailments.
A Short Introduction to Holistic and Esoteric
On bidorbuy, the term holistic usually refers to the holistic approach to healing in alternative medicine; the term esoteric usually denotes mystical knowledge or practice.