All ratings given to sellers

Thank you! I will contact you as soon as I am back around 1st week of May. Kind regards
01 Apr 2013 liverbirds420
Thank you! Very good seller!
14 Feb 2013 SAcamera647
Thanks a lot!
06 Dec 2012 Buy Camera SA511
thank you!
19 Jul 2012 Absolutely Everything31331
thanks for the assistance!
14 Jun 2012 Shop a Magic47828
Very fast delivery. But toy produce no sounds and lights. Luckily for the seller I have tools and knows to solder wire that was disconnected inside.
05 Jun 2012 Absolutely Everything31331
Officer on Deck!!! Salute!
06 May 2012 CaptainCourageous17972
great seller. great service.
28 Apr 2012 GAnthonyH13
thanks richard. Pleasant buying experience.
14 Nov 2011 Bulk Ink151
thanks jeremy! Pleasant buying experience.
14 Nov 2011 MiamiVice96