Travel to Canada

Canada is a land of unparalleled natural splendour, with vast expanses of unspoiled mountains, glaciers, lakes and forests, and clean, safe, cosmopolitan cities like Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and the capital, Ottawa. The country offers plenty of options for enjoying the magnificent outdoors – be it camping, hiking, river-rafting, golfing, mountain biking, fishing or skiing.

Canada’s vastness has resulted in immensely diverse geography across the country, producing an incredibly varied climate.  Temperatures across the country vary from summer highs of 25-30 degrees in the coastal areas to severe winter lows dipping to minus 40 degrees in the interiors. Large parts of Canada are swathed in snow 6 months of the year.  Canada has something for everyone in every season, so the season you pick to travel to Canada is largely a matter of personal preference. While some people flee the cold, plenty of winter enthusiasts pour in to enjoy skiing holidays on the slopes.

Canada is the world’s largest producer of maple syrup – probably first discovered and recognised by Native Americans as a very tasty source of nutrition. The Maple Festivals of Nova Scotia are a wonderful opportunity to gain some hands-on experience in making maple syrup.
Canada’s wildlife includes polar bears, mountain lions, black bears, arctic wolves and foxes, arctic whales, several other smaller animals, and the enormous moose, which often serves as prey for wolves and bears.

On a Holiday to Canada, You Should Not Miss:

If you want to make your holiday in Canada just that little bit more colourful and unique, you might want to consider attending some of Canada’s popular festivals like Vancouver’s Celebration of Light, the Edmunton Folk Music Festival, the Canadian Tulip Festival at Ottawa or the Quebec Winter Carnival, to name just a few.

Obviously, there is no dearth of reasons to travel to Canada. If anything, what you will likely find lacking on your holiday is time to savour everything that is on offer.

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