How to Keep Your Shoes in Good Condition

Shoe Shine Time!
Shoes that are cleaned and cared for regularly last longer and look better. Keep your shoes in good condition by following these tips.

Cleaning Your Shoes:
How you clean your shoes depends on the kind of material that the shoes are made from. Most shoes can be wiped with a clean wet cloth but it doesn’t end there. 
Leather Shoes

  1. Leather shoes need to be cleaned with leather shoe cleaner according to the given instructions.
  2. Once you’ve used the cleaner, shine the shoes with a soft cotton cloth.
  3. You can use a leather shoe conditioner to moisturize the shoes, so as to protect them from future cracking and drying. Polish leather shoes regularly and when they appear scuffed.
  4. It’s also a good idea to use a protective spray on leather shoes to prevent water and mud damage.
  5. Other handy tips for cleaning leather shoes are:  remove the shoelaces before you start cleaning, and condition new leather shoes before you wear them for the first time; this will help make future cleaning less of a hassle.
  6. Find ladies leather shoes and men's leather shoes.

Suede Shoes

  1. When it comes to suede shoes, prevention is better than cure; use protective spray before you wear them. This protects the suede from water, mud, snow and dirt.
  2. A suede eraser, also called a suede cleaning block, can be used to take out stains on suede.
  3. You should also brush the suede to keep it looking fresh: a suede brush or a clean toothbrush will do the trick.
  4. Find ladies suede shoes and men's suede shoes.

Athletic Shoes

  1. Some shoes like athletic shoes are often made from a combination of leather and suede and you should clean each part accordingly.
  2. Find ladies athletic shoes and men's athletic shoes.


Canvas Shoes
  1. It’s always a good idea to remove shoe laces and inserts before cleaning canvas shoes.
  2. These shoes can sometimes be
  3. thrown into the washing machine; but do check the care label before you do this. Otherwise, clean them by hand.
  4. Smacking the shoes together will loosen and remove large particles of dirt like mud. Usually it’s best to wait until the mud has dried. Now rinse the shoes in warm water. Then scrub the shoes with an old toothbrush, water and mild detergent.
  5. You can dry canvas shoes by stuffing the insides with white paper or paper towel and letting them air dry. Do not use paper that has ink on it as it will transfer to the shoe. You can also use a shoe dryer. You can use a small amount of liquid shoe polish (of the same colour as the sneaker) to remove stains that persist.

Your Shoes and the Environment:
The environment can affect the state of shoes too. Be aware of the weather when deciding on what kind of shoes to wear that day.
Try not to wear suede shoes when there is heavy rain. High humidity can affect leather shoes, especially if they are in storage. It’s a good idea to keep the little packets of crystal Silica gel that you find in shoe boxes; they can suck up the moisture that might cause mould growth on leather shoes. Storing your shoes properly will also keep them in good condition. Have a look at the shoe storage systems on Bob Shop for some ideas.


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