Write Your Own Book

No matter what your background, you have a good chance of becoming a published author if you’re willing to use your imagination and perseverance. So if you’ve always fancied yourself as a novelist but didn’t know where or to get started, here’s how to write your own book:

Make a promise to yourself and start planning:
Before you write anything, promise yourself that you won’t quit. Set aside a few hours every day for writing.

Create a design document: A design document is a road map for your book. It helps keep you on track. Begin by writing a one page summary of your novel. Think ‘overall structure’ and ‘big picture’. Then flesh out your story: write a few lines about the setting, how the story begins, sub-plots, how it ends, crises, resolution, how the narrative ends, and so on. Devote a lot of time developing your characters. Write out a one-page description for each - their personality, vocabulary, body language, values and actions.

Take the story further: Let the design document be the skeleton of your book. Each time you write, keep elaborating upon the design document by adding more details and information for each story element.

Use descriptive language: Use specific and concrete words, lots of details, metaphors and vivid descriptions to bring your story to life.

Rewrite and edit: It’s common for even established authors to revise their books at least 50 times! Your manuscript doesn’t have to be perfect but careful editing (often with feedback from friends and family) will help immensely.

Getting published: Once you’re done revising, contact a good book agent because publishers prefer being contacted through agents. With your agent, identify a few publishers who would be interested in your novel. Then send out brief query letters informing the publisher about your book. Also consider getting your book published as an e-Book which is a popular format today.

Brace yourself for rejection: Rejections are very common in the book business. The chances are that you’ll have your fair share. But don’t give up! You’ll eventually get a favourable response from a publisher, when you do, send them your manuscript with a courteous covering letter.

Follow up: Wait about two to three months before following up on your book submission and then request an update from the publisher. Be patient. If your manuscript gets rejected, move on to the next publisher. It can be a long process but persistence usually pays off. Be open to feedback and criticism from publishers as they often help you improve your manuscript and make it more saleable.

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