Grow Your Own Winter Vegetable Garden
Nothing compares to the taste of your own home-grown vegetables. Most of us think of summer vegetables, but why not plant some, or all, of these options below and create your very own winter vegetable garden?
Broccoli is high in vitamins A and D. Thin out seedlings to between 12 to 24 inches apart. Harvest the florets before they start to open.

Cabbage is a hardy plant that produces round through to pointed or flattened heads. Red cabbage is becoming popular in salads; although the traditional green cabbage is still the most popular.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Don¿t leave it too long to harvest, larger carrots can be lacking in flavour and have a woody texture.

Although more difficult than other members of the cabbage family, cauliflower is well worth the effort. Make sure the plant has sufficient water during the growing season and harvest the heads when firm and white.

Sometimes classified as a root vegetable, kohlrabi is member of the cabbage family. The edible portion is the enlarged, round stem section growing just above ground level.


Leaf Lettuce
Leaf lettuce produces firm, crisp leaves. Because of the shallow roots, frequent watering in small amounts will give the best results. Be careful not to damage the roots when weeding around the plants.

Leeks belong to the onion family, but unlike the onion the leek has a long bundle of curled leaves. The leek survives well over winter, when it can be harvested as required.

Like many green-leaved vegetables, mustard is high in vitamins A and D. It is quick to mature and produces an abundance of crisp, tasty leaves. Remember to keep well watered during the growing season.

Onions are the most versatile of vegetables, used in soups and stews and can be eaten raw, boiled, roasted or fried. Best grown from sets, onions need regular cultivation as they compete poorly with weeds. But be careful as they have shallow rooting.

As well as being a good source of vitamin A, spinach is also rich in iron, protein and calcium. No wonder Popeye relied on it. Harvest the leaves while they are still young for the best flavour.

Swiss Chard
Originally a root vegetable, Chard is grown for leaf production instead. The red, yellow or white stems make it an attractive addition as an ornamental plant.

The turnip is a versatile plant that can be used as both a root as well as leaf vegetable.

Try growing some if not all the above in your winter vegetable garden and reap the benefits!


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