Own and Preserve

a Piece

of Cinematographic History


Collecting film memorabilia became widespread in the 1970s, although the expansion of the movie industry dates back to the 1920s.

Sentimental value and nostalgia are usually at the root of this branch of collecting. When you put  a poster of a movie on your wall, one that holds special significance for you, it will bring back fond memories every time you look at it.

How to Start

The task of collecting movie memorabilia became much easier with the rise of online marketplaces. For example, Bob Shop has a section devoted to movie memorabilia, where you can get a variety of objects associated with your favourite films or film stars.

If you are serious about collecting movie memorabilia and are looking to build a collection of rare items that will appreciate in value over time, it is a good idea to organise your collection around a theme that interests you. You can opt to focus on musicals, silent movies, Oscar winners, Japanese anime, and so on.

Once you decide on a theme, you need to do in-depth research, because only well-informed collectors are able to make the right choice and possibly a good investment when buying an item.

What to Collect

You can collect a variety of items associated with your theme. Some of the popular movie memorabilia collectibles include:




How to Care for Your Collection

It is important to take good care of your movie memorabilia. The exact steps depend on the type of collectible item.

Posters, photographs and other paper-based items must be kept away from acids and moisture. They should be framed by a professional or kept in acid free clear bags.
Figurines should be kept dust-free. It is best to display them in a closed glass cabinet or in their boxes, away from sunlight, heat, and moisture.

Special care must be taken with caring for, storing and displaying movie memorabilia costumes.


Notable Movie Memorabilia

Although many people begin to collect movie memorabilia for pure fun and joy, many items end up becoming very valuable. Here are some of the most expensive ones:


Collecting film memorabilia is a way to own and preserve a piece of cinematographic history. Thanks to millions of movie memorabilia collectors, stars like Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe and many others will always be alive.


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