Tips for Buying a Guitar
Purchasing a guitar is like an investment. It is also an extension of your personality. Our seven tips will help you buy the right guitar, perfect for you!
The Benefits of Playing an Instrument
We learn to play musical instruments for varied reasons. For some its a hobby and passion; for others, music is a career.
Learn to Play the Guitar
When I first started to play the guitar, many years ago, my Bible was Bert Weedons Play in a Day. The basics covered in that little gem are still relevant today.
Buyers Guide for Drummers
Perhaps Im showing my age here, but Ive always had a fancy to play the drums and be as good as Gene Krupa, or maybe Ginger Baker or Keith Moon. But there seemed to be such a variety of drum kits that Id end up getting confused.
Learning to Play the Piano
The piano is one of the most difficult musical instruments to master. But do not let that discourage you! With dedication, patience and commitment, you can learn how to play the piano within a relatively short period of time.
Musical Instruments for Beginners
Learning to play and appreciate music is a great hobby.