Windows 10: A Pre-review
The Windows Technical Preview is out and we take a look at what to expect of the upcoming version from Windows in 2015.
Microsoft Windows 8
There seem to be two different schools of opinion about Microsoft Windows. Some computer users swear by it, while others simply swear at it.
How to Protect Your Website Against Hackers
If you have your own website, and many of us do these days, youve probably wondered at times if it is safe from hackers. It can be disconcerting, embarrassing and sometimes frightening to discover that youve been the subject of a hack-attack.
Become a Master of Graphic Design
More people are getting involved in the creative process of graphic design. The traditional methods of hand rendering or pasting up collages have largely been replaced by computer graphic design software, which enables the designer to explore more possibilities in a shorter time.
Iomega Screenplay Pro HD Multimedia Drive. Enjoy High Definition Theatre at Home
Now that digital cameras have forced the film camera back into the dark room, digital music has replaced vinyl records and video tapes are a thing of the past, a new problem has arisen. How can we store and enjoy all these digital files?