Homepage >> Help >> Your Account >> Rating System

bobshop encourages users to rate one another based on experiences whilst transacting. Buyers should rate sellers based on seller service, communication, delivery and product quality. Sellers should rate buyers depending on promptness of payment, communication etc. There are three kinds of ratings: Positive, Neutral and Negative.

Checking Bob Shop users' ratings will assist you in making an informed decision about buying or selling from a particular user. Through the rating system, you are guarded against buyers or sellers who may have a bad transaction history.

Following are the various ratings bands currently in use:

Rating ScoreIcon
< 10No star
> 40000

How to Rate Another User?

You can rate the users you transact with in the My Bob Shop section.
Please remember that you can rate another user only if you have transacted with him/her on Bob Shop.

How to View Other Users' Ratings?

The rating score for a user, shown next to the user's Bob Shop username is calculated by adding the positive and negative ratings together. For example, if a user has a rating of 46 positive, 3 neutral and 1 negative, then the overall rating is +46 -1 = 45. A visual interpretation of the rating score is also indicated by a number of stars together with a percentage indicating the total percentage of positive ratings. 

To check a user's ratings, click on his/her Bob Shop username. This will lead you to the user's profile giving you an account of all the selling and buying activity undertaken by him/her on Bob Shop.

How to View Your Own Ratings?

Your ratings are shown next to your Bob Shop username in the My Bob Shop section.

Rating Rules

View the Rating System Rules.

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